Build Your Body & Add Quality Mass through

                                                            Hypertrophy in the Quickest Way Possible









                To have maximum strength gain, you should perform any exercise from 4 to 6 reps per set. You may also go for 3,2 or even 1 rep sometimes. This will induce maximum gain in Fast twitch muscle fibres, i.e., White Muscle Fibres.

                To have maximum gain in protein mass, you should do 8 to 12 reps of a particular exercise in one set. This will induce good amount of both Red & White Muscle Fibres.

                To have have maximum gain in endurance, you should do 14 to 18 reps per set. This will increase the Slow twitch muscle fibres, i.e., Red Muscle Fibres.

                For a fat burning program, reps must be in the range of 18 - 25. This program must be accompanied by some cardio exercises for a quick gallop in fat loss.

                You must try and variate your program with the first 3 pattern and include 4th one also if you have fat deposition in your body. For the beginners, they must 1st try to do exercises in high rep range, then slowly move towards low rep range. Try to keep variating rep range often.

                 You must also variate the exercise routine to shock your body and get gains. Calculate your 1RM, and peform exercise with 80% of your 1RM, while you must also variate in this regard.

                 Try to have a mind-muscle connection while doing exercises, and gat a good amount of pump in your capillaries. You will improve in this regard through meditation. Try variating your intensity by changing the amount of weight used as well as volume by changing the number of sets performed.

                Next section will get you through the different kind of exercises.



















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